

Ash slurry Pump house/In Progress

Vaccum Pump House/In Progress

Conveyer 37 A/B/In Progress

MCC 10 (Priority Path)/In Progress

JNT 15 (Priority Path)/In Progress

JNT 13 (Priority Path)/In Progress

LT Panels Erection/

220 V BATTERY CHARGER/Charged up

MDBFP –C/In Progress

TDBFP –B/In Progress

TDBFP –A/In Progress

LP Turbine Outer casing /In Progress

Turbine Floor/In Progress

Condenser/In Progress

ESP Control Room/In Progress

CW Pump House/In Progress

Compressor House/In Progress

Duct ID Fan to Chimney/In Progress


Boiler to ESP Inlet Duct/In Progress

Boiler Rear View with APH – A and B /In Progress

Bellary -Unit 3 – Power House and Boiler View/

Bellary unit – III Over all view/

Bellary unit – III Over all view/

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Ererction inProgress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress

Bellary/Erection in Progress