




















TR-3 AND TP-9/






































LHS Bunker Unit 1/


RHS Bunker Unit 2/

LHS Bunker Unit 2/


Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Duct Unit 2/

Duct Unit 2/

Duct Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

APU Unit 3/

RHS Bunker Unit 3/

LHS Bunker Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ID B Discharge Duct Support Foundation Unit 1/

ESP Control Building Unit 2/

TR-5 Foundation/
































Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ID B Discharge Duct Support Foundation /Unit 1

TP 10 Foundation/

ESP Control Room Building/Unit 2

FD Fan A Diffuser Column Foundation/Unit 2

Status of Mill Foundation /Unit 3

Boiler Unit 1/

LHS Bunker Unit 1/

LHS Bunker Unit 1/

BOF to ESP Duct Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Status of FD Fan B /Discharge Duct Support Foundation

Status of TP-10 Foundation/

Status of ESP Control Building Unit 2/

Status of Mill D Foundation Unit 3/

Site Status/

Boiler 1/

Boiler 1/

TP TR and Gallery/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ESP 2/

Status of TP10 Foundation/

Status of TP10 Foundation/

Status of Control Room Building Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

LHS Bunker Unit 1/

LHS Bunker Unit 1/

TP, TR and Gallery/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ESP unit 1/

ESP unit 1/

Status of Approach Road between Boiler and ESP/

Status of Approach Road between Boiler and ESP/

Status of TP-10 Foundation/

Status of Mill D Foundation/


Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ESP 1/

ESP 2/

ESP 3/

Status of Approach road to ESP and Boiler/

Status of Approach road to ESP and Chimney/

Status of Silo Foundation/Unit 1

Status fo TP10 Foundation/

Status fo TP10 Foundation/

Status of Control Room Building/Unit 2


Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ESP 2/

Blockage of Water Flow In Material Yard By NPGC/

Status of Approach Road to Boiler and ESP/

Status of Approach Road to Boiler and ESP/

Status of Approach Road to ESP 2 and 3/

Status of Approach Road to ESP and Chimney/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Input required for electrical and CandI works/

Input required for electrical and CandI works/

FD Fan Discharge Duct Support Status/

FD Fan A Discharge Duct Support Status/

FD Fan B Discharge Duct Support Status/

Status of Main Approach Road/After Rain

Status of Approach Road/After Rain

Status of Approach Road/After Rain

Status of Approach Road/After Rain

Status of Approach Road/After Rain

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /

Boiler /Unit 3

Boiler /Unit 3

ESP/Unit 1

ESP/Unit 2

ESP /Unit 3

CD Bay Clearance/Unit 3

Pending RHS Riser/Cable Tray

Status of Mill Foundation Unit 3/

Status of Approach Road to Boiler and ESP/

Status of Approach Road to Boiler and ESP/

Status of Approach Road to Boiler and ESP/





































Boiler /unit 1

Boiler /unit 1

Boiler /unit 1

Boiler /unit 1

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

ESP/Unit 1

ESP/Unit 2

ESP/Unit 3

Status of LHS Bunker Area/After Rain

Approach Road Status of Boiler Unit 2/After Rain

Approach Road Status of Back Side of ESP 1/After Rain

Approach Road Status of Back Side of ESP 1/After Rain

CD Bay Clearance/Unit 3

Visit of Energy Minister Govt. of Bihar and DIR (Proj) NTPC/

Visit of Energy Minister Govt. of Bihar and DIR (Proj) NTPC/

Visit of Energy Minister Govt. of Bihar and DIR (Proj) NTPC/



Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

ESP 2/Progress

ESP 3/Progress

Material Yard/Progress

Material Yard/Progress

CD Bay Clearence/Unit 3

APH erection work obstructed due to pending soil filling and compaction of FD fan FDN/Unit 3

Status of Mill Foundation/Unit 3

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Electrical and CandI Works/

Electrical and CandI Works/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

ESP Unit 1/

ESP Unit 2/

ESP Unit 3/

FD Fan Duct Discharge Support FDN/ Unit 1

Filling and Compaction between FD Fan A and B/ Unit 3

CD bay Clearance / Unit 3

Boiler /Unit 1



Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

C and I Works/

C and I Works/

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler /Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 3

ESP 1/

ESP 2/

ESP 3/

Pending Duct Support Foundation in FD Fan/Unit 1

8.5M UPS/Charger Room

Status of Riser in Boiler Front Firing Flooe/

Control Room Readiness Status/

Main Tray Readiness of FD Fan/

Status of Cable Route in ID Fan/Unit 1

CD Bay Clearance/Unit 3

APH Erection obstructed due to pending soil filling and compaction/Unit 3

Status of Mill Foundation/Unit 3

Status of Project/



Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/


Status of Approach Road between Boiler 2 and ESP 2/

Status of FD Fan main Tray Unit 1/

Status of Floor /Cable Route in ID Fan Unit 1

TG to Boiler Connecting Trays/

Firing Floor/

Control Room Readiness/at 17m

UPS/Charger Room 8.5m

Filling and Compaction between FD Fan A and B/Unit 3

CD Bay Clearance/Unit 2

CD Bay Clearance/Unit 3

Status of duct supporting foundation ID to Chimney/Unit 3

Status of Mill Foundation /Unit 3

APH erection work obstructed due to pending soil filling and compaction of FD fan/

Unit 2/CD Bay Clearance

Unit 2/CD Bay Clearance

Unit 1/Pending Foundation

Approach road excavated between Boiler and ESP 2/

Aux Boiler/instrument air/service air status

Aux Boiler LDO tank/LFO oil status

Aux Boiler incomplete control room/No window, door provided

ESP 3/

ESP 2/

ESP 1/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Compressed Air System/

Compressed Air System/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Project Overview/

CD Bay Clarence Unit 3/

CD Bay Clarence Unit 2/

Status of Mill Foundation Unit 3/

Approach to Boiler Cavity Unit 3/

Approach Road Between Boiler 2 and ESP 2/

FOPH Control Room Status/

Status of LTMCC Panel Control Room/Aux Boiler

MCC Panel Room Status/Aux Boiler

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Electrical Works/

Aux Boiler /

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1 , 2 and 3/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Aux Boiler /

Compressed Air System/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

C and I Works/

ESP 2/

ESP 3/

Approach Road Excavated /between boiler and ESP 2

Pending Foundation/Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Boiler / Unit 1

Aux Boiler /

Electrical Works / Under Progress

Electrical Works / Under Progress

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 2

Boiler / Unit 3

Boiler / Unit 3

Boiler / Unit 3

ESP / Unit 1

ESP / Unit 2

ESP / Unit 3

Various Foundation Status/Unit 1 Boiler Cavity

LTMCC Panel Control Room /Aux Boiler

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Aux Boiler /

Compressed Air System/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Electrical Works/

Electrical Works/

Electrical Works/

CandI Works/Under Progress

Neutralizing Pit/Under Progress

Neutralizing Pit/Under Progress

Pending input in Aux Boiler/

LTMCC Panel Control Room Status/

Pending Foundation/Unit 1

Pending Foundation/Unit 1

Status of Opening in ESP Control Room/Unit 1

LHS Bunker Foundation/Unit 2

LHS Mill and Bunker Foundation/Unit 3

Foundation of RHS Mill D/Unit 3

Duct Foundation Status between ESP and ID Fan B /Unit 2

Overview/Unit 1, 2, 3

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Work in Progress

Aux Boiler/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Work in Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Work in Progress

ESP Unit 1/Work in Progress

ESP Unit 2/Work in Progress

ESP Unit 3/Work in Progress

Duct Foundation/Unit 2

LTMCC Panel Control Room/Aux Boiler

FD and PA Fan Unit 2/Lube Oil, Seal Air, Staircase Diffuser

Mill H and LHS Bunker Unit 1/Foundation Status

Various Foundation Status/Boiler Cavity

Aux Boiler/Status of Control Room Bldg

Air Compressor House/Foundation Status

FOPH/Foundation Status

ESP Unit 3/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 2/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 1/Status of Erection

Aux Boiler/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler and ESP Unit 1, 2, 3 /Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Neutralization Pit/


Mill Bay LHS and RHS/Unit 2

LHS Mill and Bunker Bay Foundation/Unit 2

RHS Mill and Bunker Bay Foundation/Unit 2

ESP Unit 3/Progress

ESP Unit 2/Progress

ESP Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Aux Boiler /Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Unit 2 FD and PA Fan, Staircase, Diffuser/FDN Status

Unit 2 LHS Mill and Bunker Bay/Foundation Status

Unit 2 RHS Mill and Bunker Bay/Foundation Status

Unit 2 Duct/Foundation Status

Unit 2 ID Fan A B Staircase/FDN Status

ESP unit 3/Status of Erection

ESP unit 2/Status of Erection

ESP unit 1/Status of Erection

Aux Boiler/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler and ESP Unit 1,2,3/Status of Erection


Mill Bay LHS and RHS/Unit 2

LHS Mill, Bunker bay Foundation/Unit 2

RHS Mill, Bunker bay Foundation/Unit 2

ESP Unit 3/

ESP Unit 2/

ESP Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 3/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Boiler Unit 2/

Aux Boiler/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler Unit 1/

Boiler ESP Approach Road/Status

FD and PA Fan A /Unit 2

LHS Mill and Bunker Bay Foundation/Unit 2

RHS Mill and Bunker Bay Foundation/Unit 2

Duct Foundation Status/Unit 2

Duct Foundation Status/Unit 2

ID Fan A and B Unit 2/FDN Status

TR - 1 and TR - 2/FDN Status

FD and PA fan B Unit 1/Status

FD and PA Fan Unit 1/Lube Oil, Seal Air, Staircase FDN Status

ID fan A U-1: Lube Oil, Seal Air, Staircase FDN/Status

ID fan B U-1: Lube Oil, Seal Air, Staircase/Status

New Closed - Open Shed/Status of Erection

Electrical and CandI Work/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 3/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 2/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 1/Status of Erection

Aux Boiler/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Status of Erection/Boiler and ESP Unit 1,2,3

Status NPGCL/Nabinagar

Mill Bay LHS and RHS Unit 2/

Boiler U2 1st Pass/Approach Road

Boiler ESP Approach Road/Area of Concern

ESP Unit 3/Progress

ESP Unit 2/Progress

ESP Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Aux Boiler/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler ESP Approach Road/Status

Boiler ESP Approach Road/Status

ESP/Unit 3

ESP/Unit 2

ESP/Unit 1

Boiler /Unit 3

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 2

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler/Unit 1

Boiler and ESP/Unit 1 2 3

ESP unit 3/Progress

ESP unit 2/Progress

ESP Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Boiler Unit 2/Progress

Aux Boiler /Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler ESP Approach Road Status/

Boiler ESP Approach Road Status/

ESP Unit 3/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 2/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Auxiliary Boiler/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 1/Status of Erection

Status of Erection/Boiler and ESP Unit 1,2,3

ESP Inlet Area /Status After Rain

Boiler Approach Road /Status After Rain

ESP Unit 3/Progress

ESP Unit 2/Progress

ESP Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 3/Progress

Boiler unit 2/Progress

Boiler unit 2/Progress

Boiler unit 2/Progress

Boiler unit 2/Progress

Auxiliary Boiler/Progress

Auxiliary Boiler/Progress

TP 7 /Progress

TP 8 /Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

Boiler Unit 1/Progress

ESP 2 Outlet Area/After Rain

Boiler ESP /Approach Road Status

ESP Unit 3/Status of Erection

ESP Unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 3/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Boiler Unit 2/Status of Erection

Auxiliary Boiler/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler unit 1/Status of Erection

Boiler and ESP Unit 1,2,3/Status of Erection

Nabinagar/ESP outlet area after rain

Nabinagar/Boiler approach road status after rain

Nabinagar/Boiler Unit 2

Nabinagar/Boiler Unit 2

Nabinagar/TP 7

Nabinagar/Boiler Unit 1

Nabinagar/Boiler Unit 1

















NPGCL NABINAGAR (3 X 660 MW)/Boiler Unit 1